Notion Everything - all you want to know about Notion is here
I add 72 new templates and new filters to help you find the perfect one!
I’m also working on a brand new design with categories to make it nicer and easier to use. And it’s live 🎉
Welcome to the 38 newly Notion lovers who have joined us since last Friday!
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Templates selection
Special Tracker template
Habit tracker
by Vitor Rodrigues
This is the best way for me to track my daily, weekly and monthly habits in one place.
Finance tracker
by Zoe Chew
I use Notion for almost everything. My use cases include client management, remote tool, portfolio tracker and most recently — personal finance tracking.
One of my goals this year is to get better at money habits and personal investment. And tracking my personal finance activities become the first step that comes in mind.
Beauty & skincare tracker
by Ashley Ward
This template helps me keep track of all the beauty and skincare products I own and allows me to rate them. It keeps me from potentially buying the same products because I forget that I already own them or I forget that I decided I don't like them. With this template I've been able to organize my makeup and skincare stash and weed out products that I don't like and have no use of while making sure to keep (and buy more of!) products that I like and use often.
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That's all for today! Hope you like it and if you have any questions, answer to this email 😉